Previous Nominations

  • October 2024 Nominations
    Submitted DateOrganization NameOrganization WebsiteMember First NameMember Last Name
    09/26/2024Next Step Training ProgramDixieTaylor
    09/24/2024the Next Step Training Programnextstepky.orgDeborahGriesinger
    09/24/2024Awake Ministry
    09/24/2024Salvation Army Shelby County Service UnitUss.Salvation Army.orgKathyHumes
    09/23/2024Young Life Shelbyhttps://younglife.orgTinaTipton
    09/09/2024Centenary United Methodist Church assistance programCentenaryshelbyville.comAmyWaggener
    09/06/2024Centro Latinocentro-latino.orgMary W.Clark
    08/18/2024Dorman Preschool CenterLynnWhittaker
  • July 2024 Nominations
    Submitted DateOrganization NameOrganization WebsiteMember First NameMember Last Name
    07/04/2024Awake Ministry
    06/28/2024Centenary United Methodist Assistance ProgramWww.centenaryshelbyville.comAmyWaggener
    06/24/2024Young Life Shelby Countyhttps://younglife.orgTinaTipton
    06/20/2024Dorman Preschool Centerdormancenter.orgJenniferStenger
    06/13/2024Marnel C. Moorman Sr. Family Life Center
    06/13/2024Cornerstone Christian AcademyCornerstone Christian AcademyCandoraMcKinley
    05/04/2024Fathers LoveFathersloveshelbyville.orgMichelleTerrell
  • April 2024 Nominations
    Submitted DateOrganization NameOrganization WebsiteMember First NameMember Last Name
    04/02/2024Awake Ministry
    03/29/2024Next Step Training ProgramNext Step Training ProgramDixieTaylor
    03/26/2024Project LifesaverKatie PryorPryor
    03/16/2024The Little Lighthouse of Central KYwww.llhky,orgSuellenBarnes
    03/16/2024Shelby Saddlebred Optimist Club
    03/12/2024Centenary United Methodist Church Assistance ProgramWww.centenaryshelbyville.comAmyWaggener
    03/05/2024Young Life Shelby CountySAME AS EMAILTinaTipton
    03/02/2024Marnel C. Moorman Family Life Center
    02/08/2024Father’s Love Ministry’s Backpack Program of Shelby CountyMary W.Clark
  • January 2024 Nominations

    Congratulations to ALC Kentucky!

    Submitted DateOrganization NameOrganization WebsiteMember First NameMember Last Name
    11/26/2023Shelby Saddlebred Optimist Club
    12/2/2023Centenary United Methodist ChurchCentenaryshelbyville.comKathyMiracle
    12/5/2023Martha Layne Collins High School Band BoostersMLC Band Facebook PageKristalBaird
    12/16/2023ALC shelbyville Alc Kentucky.comPeggyBerry
    12/23/2023Marnel C. Moorman Family Life Center
    12/27/2023Next Step Training Programwww.llhky.orgSuellenBarnes
    1/4/2024Farmers Feeding FamiliesJulieMulcahy
    1/4/2024Tyson’s Chance Animal Foundation Tysonschance.orgLoriGlass
    1/4/2024Next StepNextsteptrainingorogramky.comDebbieGriesinger
    1/4/2024Awake MinistryAwakeky.orgLainey Kemp
  • October 2023 Nominations

    Congratulations to Operation CatSnip of KY !

    Submitted DateOrganization NameOrganization WebsiteMember First NameMember Last Name
    10/01/2023Tyson’s Chance Animal Foundationwww.Tysonschance.orgLoriGlass
    09/28/ or orgSallyBroder
    09/28/2023Awake Ministry
    09/26/2023Next Stepwww.nextstepky.orgDeborahGriesinger
    09/22/2023Shelby Saddlebred Optimist Club
    09/19/2023Project Life saverKatiePryor
    09/15/2023Salvation Army Selby County Kentucky Service UnitSalvation Army.OrgKathyHumes
    08/19/2023Cornerstone Christian AcademyCcaofky.orgCandoraMcKinley
    08/03/2023Marnel C Moorman Family Life CenterNo Website but a Facebook pageElaineFarris
    08/02/2023Operation CatSnip of KY, Inc.www.operationcatsnipky.orgSandyHill
    07/22/2023‘A Place To Sleep’www.APlacetoSleepMinistry. org or on Facebook: W.Clark
  • July 2023 Nominations
    Submitted DateOrganization NameOrganization Website
    07/02/2023Tyson’s Chance Animal Foundation
    06/28/2023A Loving Choice (ALC)
    06/14/2023Shelby County Community
    06/13/2023Marnel C Moorman Family Life CenterNo website yet but has a FB page
    06/13/2023Shelby Saddlebred Optimist
    06/12/2023Shelby County Parks Foundation
    06/10/2023Next Step Training
    06/04/2023Southside Elementary PTO
    04/21/2023Operation Catsnip of Kentucky
  • April 2023 Nominations
    Submitted DateOrganization NameOrganization Website
    04/06/2023Farmers Feeding Families
    04/06/2023Operation Care
    03/28/2023Southside elementary PTO
    03/18/2023Shelby County Community
    03/10/2023Awake Ministries
    03/09/2023Project Lifesaver
    03/08/2023A Loving
    03/08/2023Operation CatSnip of Kentucky
    03/01/2023Shelby Saddlebred Optimist Club
  • Nominations for January 2023

    Congratulations to this quarters recipient CASA of the River Region serving Shelby Co!

    Date SubmittedOrganization NameOrganization WebsiteMission Statement
    10/11/2022Farmers Feeding Families
    10/20/2022Operation CatSnip of KY Incoperationcatsnipky.orgWe were founded in 2008 and incorporated in 2009 to help stop the overpopulation of free roaming and community cats in Shelby County. Our program is not funded by State, Federal, County or city government. All monies we receive are through private donations and fundraising. Our services are for outdoor cats and We ask for a financial donation at time of service. No one is turned away due to their inability to pay. Only. Our veterinarians are paid. We are all volunteer. We do not have a brick and mortar facility and we utilize our own vehicles and use our own fuel.
    12/15/2022Tyson’s Chance Animal FoundationTysonschance.orgSpecializes in the rescue of special needs animals. Known for taking animals with severe medical or behavioral issues. Also has a successful hospice program. We love all breeds, we love seniors, we love to heal the sick, and we love to rehabilitate the misunderstood
    12/16/2022CASA of the River Region serving Shelby Co.CASAriverregion.orgCASA supports and promotes court-appointed volunteer advocacy for abused, neglected and dependent children so that they can thrive in a safe and permanent homes.
    12/20/2022Project LifesaverThey provide equipment that tracks individuals with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and autism if they happen to wander away.
    12/21/2022HorseSensinghorsesensing.orgOur mission is to help veterans transition back to civilian life more successfully through working with horses. To provide people in recovery from addictions a solid path to staying clean and sober for the long haul through working with and being with horses. To provide them a path to a purposeful, stable and fulfilling life through the principles of good horsemanship and providing them jobs with housing .
    12/30/2022Kentucky Wounded Heroes Wounded Heroes is a 501(c)(3) non-profit entity that exists to serve Kentucky’s current or former members of the United States Armed Forces, sworn law enforcement, sworn firefighters, and sworn or affirmed EMS, that have been injured during combat operations or line-of-duty service. Our mission is to honor and empower the emotional wellness of these heroes through outdoor activities, programs, and services that enable them to reconnect to nature’s healing properties.
    1/1/2023Southside elementary PTOStudents, teachers and staff of Southside Elementary.
    1/4/2023Next Step Training Program Step Training Program exists to assist young adults with level 1 autism spectrum disorder in gaining skills that will enable them to successfully enter the work force.
    1/4/2023Clear Creek ElementaryShelby junior golf.comCREATING OPPORTUNITIES – BUILDING FUTURES
    1/4/2023Shelby Saddlebred Optimist ClubOptimist Clubs are dedicated to “Bringing Out the Best in Kids” and do their part through community service programs. Since each Club is autonomous and run by members in their community, Optimists have the unique flexibility to serve the youth of their area in any way they see fit. Optimist Clubs see a need in their community and react to it.
    Our Mission Statement is: By providing hope and positive vision, Optimists bring out the best in youth, our communities and ourselves. 
    1/5/2023Awake Ministries are a non-profit organization that offers services and resources that facilitate lasting recovery from the hurts, habits, and hang ups of life. Every resource that we offer is at not cost to the people that we serve. We are completely reliant on the faithfulness of God and funding from our community to continue in this work

  • Nominations for October 2022
    Submitted DateOrganization NameOrganization WebsiteMission Statement
    10/06/2022Southside Elementary PTOWe serve the students, teachers, staff and families of Southside Elementary
    10/06/2022APlace to SleepWww.aplacetosleepministry.orgTo provide beds for all children, newborn through HS!
    10/04/2022OPERATION LIFESAVERThis is a project for dementia/Alzheimer patients and also autistic individuals. The program fits the individuals with a bracelet that has a location device in it. Then if they wander off emergency services can more easily locate them.
    10/03/2022Shelby Saddlebred Optimist ClubWww.optimist.orgOur positive approach, our upbeat outlook, and our commitment to creating a more optimistic future for kids is what differentiates Optimists Clubs from any other volunteer opportunity.
    10/01/2022HorseSensingwww.horsesensing.comOUR MISSON
    Teaching humans how to interact intuitively with horses, care for horses, and better care for themselves and those around them.
    To help veterans transition back to civilian life more successfully through being with horses. To provide people in recovery from addictions a solid path to staying clean and sober for the long haul through working with and being with horses. To provide them a path to a purposeful, stable and fulfilling life through the principles of good horsemanship and a job with housing.
    Provide equine therapy to all ages and need groups in Shelby county and beyond.
    To teach professional horse caretaking skills in a therapeutic environment, provide equine assisted therapy, and promote both human and equine well-being.
    09/29/2022CASA of the River Regioncasariverregion.orgThe mission statement of CASA is to support and promote court-appointed volunteer advocacy for abused, neglected, and dependent children so hat they can thrive in safe, permanent homes.
    09/24/2022Veterans Rural OutreachVROKY.ORGVeterans Rural Outreach (VRO) provides for the needs of veterans in Shelbyville/Shelby County, Kentucky and surrounding counties with food assistance, emergency shelter, transitional housing for the homeless,
    09/24/2022Awake MinistriesAwakeky.orgCelebrate Recovery
    Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, 12-step program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain, or addiction of any kind. It is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling our lives.
    MEETING TIME: Sundays 6:00-7:30pm, Awake Building. 701 Washington Street, Shelbyville.
    09/24/2022Next Step Training ProgramMission statement: The Next Step Training Program exists to assist young adults with level 1 autism spectrum disorder in gaining skills that will enable them to successfully enter the workforce.
    We bring families, employers, and the community together to support young adults with level 1 autism spectrum disorder by providing practical multi-disciplinary training and employment support, so that they find their God-given purpose through meaningful employment.
    Ways to spend the money: We need it to pay for the executive director’s salary, purchase supplies for the classes, fund a current student who cannot afford the program, as well as purchase promotional materials to let more people in the community know of our ministry.
    09/10/2022Next Step Training step Ky.orgMission statement: The Next Step Training Program exists to assist young adults with level 1 autism spectrum disorder in gaining skills that will enable them to successfully enter the workforce.
    We bring families, employers, and the community together to support young adults with level 1 autism spectrum disorder by providing practical multi-disciplinary training and employment support, so that they find their God-given purpose through meaningful employment.
    Ways to spend the money: We need it to pay for the executive director’s salary, purchase supplies for the classes, fund a current student who cannot afford the program, as well as purchase promotional materials to let more people in the community know of our ministry.
    09/10/2022The Little Lighthouse of Central Kentuckyllhky.orgTuition free, early intervention, Christian educational and therapeutic center for children with special needs.
    09/06/2022Next Step Training ProgramNext Step Training ProgramMission statement: The Next Step Training Program exists to assist young adults with level 1 autism spectrum disorder in gaining skills that will enable them to successfully enter the workforce.
    We bring families, employers, and the community together to support young adults with level 1 autism spectrum disorder by providing practical multi-disciplinary training and employment support, so that they find their God-given purpose through meaningful employment.
    Ways to spend the money: We need it to pay for the executive director’s salary, purchase supplies for the classes, fund a current student who cannot afford the program, as well as purchase promotional materials to let more people in the community know of our ministry.
    07/23/2022Operation Cat snip of Kentucky Incorporatedwww.operationcatsnipky.orgOur mission is to help curb or stop the overpopulation of community cats in Shelby County. Our second mission is to educate the public on the benefits of spay and neuter of community cats versus relocation and euthanasia.
  • Nominations for July 2022

    Congratulations to Simpsonville Christian Church Food Bank!

    Submitted DateOrganization NameOrganization Website
    06/29/2022Multi-Purpose Community Action Agency,
    06/24/2022Veteran’s Rural
    06/23/2022Shelbyville Community Remembrance Project
    06/20/2022Operation CatSnip of Kentucky
    06/19/2022Southside Elementary School PTON/A
    06/02/2022Shelbyville CharitiesDon’t Know
    05/31/2022Next Step Training
    05/29/2022The Little Lighthouse of Central
    04/26/2022Simpsonville Christian Church Food Bank
    04/23/2022Farmers Feeding Families
    04/23/2022Awake Ministries
  • Nominations for April 2022

    Congratulations to Bagdad Baptist Church Hope Center!

    04/07/2022A Place to Sleep
    04/05/2022Veterans Rural Outreach
    03/26/2022Farmers Feeding Families
    03/17/2022Misfit Toys Rescue
    03/16/2022Simpsonville Christian Church Food Pantry
    03/03/2022Bagdad Baptist Church Hope
    02/16/2022Farmers Feeding Families Shelby
    02/05/2022The Little Lighthouse of Central Kentucky
    01/21/2022Operation Catsnip of KY,
  • Nominations for January 2022

    Nominations for January 2022

    Organization NameOrganization WebsiteMission Statement/Population Served:
    Shelbyville Community Rememebrance  Project Coalition  is the name of our group.  The  charity is Well, Inc.Our coalition is a local outgrowth from the Equal Justice. Initiative in Montgomery, Al.  So far we have  collected soil beneath sites of documented  local lynchings here in Shelby County from 1856-1920.  We have  done the work to secure historical markers to remember those six individuals whose lives were taken in local lynchings before they had the benefit of a trial. Now we are sponsoring the creation of a graphic novel to educate our youth about one night when three men were taken from our jail to be hung.  During this school year, we are sponsoring a scholarship contest through the writing of essays, creation of a piece of art, or a digital presentation.   Students are asked to examine the history of a topic of racial injustice and to discuss its legacy today.  Essays should explain the chosen topic using a specific historical event, explore how the injustice persists,, and imagine solutions for a future free of racial injustice.  We can never undo our history, but we can recognize it for what it was, own it, and work to ensure it will never happen again.
    Operation Catsnip of Kentuckywww.operationcatsnipky.orgOperation CatSnip is a not-for-profit organization whose primary purpose is to effectively and safely decrease the population of free roaming, community, stray and barn cats through a humane, convenient, self-sustaining trap-neuter-return-management (TNRM) program in central Kentucky.
    The secondary purpose is, through education and outreach, to inform the public of the benefits of managing colonies, as opposed to ineffective removal and euthanasia.
    Operation CatSnip of Kentucky, Inc. offers advice and assistance to individuals and other groups with respect to non-lethal community cat management.
    We assist local caregivers by loaning trapping equipment, demonstrating how to use the traps, and providing trapping instructions. We also provide information on local low-cost spay/neuter programs, and can sometimes provide short-term care for the recovery of cats after surgery. We will trap and transport for handicapped if we are available.
    Each clinic typically takes a lot of time, planning, and work.  Operation CatSnip of Ky, Inc. is a small volunteer organization, therefore we must rely on the involvement of the person asking for help.
    HorseSensingwww.horsesensing.comOUR MISSON
    Teaching humans how to interact intuitively with horses, care for horses, and better care for themselves and those around them.
    To help veterans transition back to civilian life more successfully through being with horses. To provide people in recovery from addictions a solid path to staying clean and sober for the long haul through working with and being with horses. To provide them a path to a purposeful, stable and fulfilling life through the principles of good horsemanship.
    To teach professional horse caretaking skills in a therapeutic environment, provide equine assisted therapy, and promote both human and equine well-being.
    Habitat for Humanity of Shelby CountyHabitat for Humanity of Shelby CountyMission Statement- Seeking to put God’s love into action.  Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.

    Population served- A family selected by a committee that fits the criteria of Habitat that will put sweat equity into building their own home.  Veterans that need repairs in order to stay in their homes.  Elderly homeowners that need adaptations made to their homes in order to be able to stay in their own homes longer.  The whole community as we have community clean up and repair days.
    The Little Lighthouse of Central Kentuckyllhky.orgThe mission of  The Little Lighthouse of Central Kentucky is to glorify God by improving the quality of life for children with special needs, their families and communities.

    We will serve children from birth to 6 years of age, who have special needs, by providing free early intervention education and specialized therapy. We will also offer support to their families.
    Misfit Toys Rescue Division Inc.misfithorsetoys.comOur mission at  MISFIT TOYS RESCUE DIVISION   is to heal the hearts of humans and horses alike, by taking both out of negative situations, and putting them together to grow in love and confidence.  Each rescued horse is taught to become a member of our FREE LESSON PROGRAM FOR DISADVANTAGED RIDERS  who would not have access to horses otherwise.  It is our firm belief that each horse will be a perfect match for a rider, and he can stay here in our program until his forever home is found.  we do not mass rescue and we invest time, money, and a lot of love into the rehabilitation  of each horse.  In turn, the horses return the favor for our lesson students.  they grow together to learn confidence, teamwork, and a sense of accomplishment.  We enjoy our work and are enjoying changing lives.
    Awake Ministrieswww.awakeky.orgMission Statement:
    Awake’s mission statement is to equip individuals with the hope of the gospel and the help that they need to live free and awakened to kingdom purpose.

    Our Vision:
    Awake’s vision is for a more healthy and excellent community. As individuals, businesses, and ministries serve and are served, we believe that our region will become united greater in service and purpose.

    (1) Awake Ministries offers residential and outpatient recovery programming for addiction behaviors.
    (2) Awake Ministries has the largest food pantry not only in Shelby County but in the region, serving over 13,000 individuals in the month of December.
    (3) Awake Ministries is the hub and financial backbone of The Backpack Project.
    (4) Awake Ministries serves the veteran community through our Veterans Village and Community Center.
    Veteran’s Clubveteransclubinc.orgTo Provide Connection, Healing, Recovery and Housing for the Veteran Community. To provide healing to Veterans and their families through Equine Facilitated Mentoring. To provide housing and programming for homeless Veterans through the Veterans Village Healing and Recovery Community. To provide connection and support through family outreach, vocational training, and recreational therapy.
    Kiwanis Club of Shelbyville www.Kiwanis.orgServing the children of the world.  Our group specifically loves on the children of Shelby County.
    Farmers Feeding Feeding Families in Shelby County, KY is under the umbrella of Metro United Way. The group is addressing food insecurity in Shelby County, where 11.5 percent or 5100 people are food insecure. Many are senior citizens, rural residents, veterans, or Kids. They are looking for farmers and landowners to partner with them, but need funds to pay for the meat processing and packaging, primarily of beef. Walt Reichert is a local board member. 
  • Nominations for October 2021

    Nominations for October 2021

    Congratulations to the Salvation Army of Shelby Co!

  • Nominations for July 2021

    Nominations for July 2021

    Congratulations to The Butterfly House of Shelby County on being selected as the July 2021 recipient.

    Organization NameOrganization WebsiteMission Statement/Population Served:
    Shelby County Junior Golf Foundation Statement-

    Population Served- Youth aged kids in Shelby County. Grades K-12 and also some college students.
    Shelby Co. Parks Foundation Statement:
    Maintain for the present and expand for the future.

    Shelby County Parks Foundation ( a 501c-3)supports Shelby Co Parks which serves all adults and youth in Shelby and surrounding counties.
    Shelby County Junior Golf Foundation in 2017 the foundation believes in strengthening the live and futures of local youth through developing numberous opportunities for tgem to learn and play the game of golf.
    A Place to Sleep https://www.aplacetosleepministry.orgPlace to Sleep operates on the beliefs that:
    A good night’s sleep is important to a child’s health.
    A good night’s sleep will help a child’s concentration and improve school grades.
    Having a bed of their own improves a child’s self-esteem.
    Kiwanishttp://www.Kiwanis.orgKiwanis clubs focus on changing the world by serving children, one child and one community at a time.  Our hope is that one day, all children will wake up in communities that believe in them, nurture them and provide the support they need to thrive.
    Tyson’s Chancehttp://Tysonschance.orgTyson’s Chance Animal Foundation Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit animal rescue based in Shelbyville, KY. Our primary focus is the rescue of special needs animals.
    A majority of our adoptable animals are seniors, medical cases, and those with social or behavioral issues. We also provide hospice care to terminally ill animals who have been relinquished to shelters or given up by their owners.
    Tyson’s Chance rescues all breeds, sizes, ages, and temperaments. We love to heal the sick, rehabilitate the misunderstood, and provide safe haven for those in their golden years.
    Kids in the USA, Inc provide education, communication, and community support services of unsurpassed quality to individuals, families, and community members affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder. To ensure employees, volunteers, and members of the community are competent and committed to help them achieve their educational and personal goals and to communicate and access their needs within the community.
    Horse SensingHorseSensing was started in 2010 to help veterans with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder, now referred to as Post Traumatic Stress. Utilizing the EAPD equine knowledge system of Chris Irwin, from the start the horses and their welfare were given top priority in our sessions. We still operate in the same way today.
    Veteran’s Club/Veteran’s Village STATEMENT:
    To Provide Connection, Healing, Recovery and Housing for the Veteran Community.
    To provide healing to Veterans through equine therapy, address homelessness for Veterans with Camp Restoration Housing Recovery Community and to provide connection and support through family outreach.
    Cento Latinohttp://Centro-Latino.orgCentro Latino is a non-profit organization that improves the lives of Latinos in Shelby and surrounding counties and promotes civic engagement by educating, motivating and helping them access trustworthy support systems. Centro Latino celebrates our hard working vulnerable families who help make our community better. These families strengthen our community and endeavor to improve life for themselves, their families, their neighborhoods and our society. Our mission at Centro  Latino is to advance their prospects to achieve a part of the American Dream. 
    Farmers Feeding Families,100 people (11.5%) in Shelby County are food insecure. Many of those affected by food insecurity are senior citizens, rural residents, veterans or kids. Through our new Farmers Feeding Families program, Metro United Way in Shelby County is focusing on reducing hunger and its associated health issues in our community. 
    Christiansburg Baptist  Church Being Sheep Ministry To demonstrate the love of Christ while meeting the immediate needs of those in our community.  
    The Butterfly House of Shelby County 
    Our Mission here at The Butterfly House is to facilitate family visitation and monitored exchanges in an environment where children are protected physically and emotionally while custodial parents/guardians and non-custodial parents/guardians are treated with the utmost respect.
    Sleep ArmornoneWe are dedicated in making and providing U.S. Veterans weighted blankets to help lessen the symptoms of PTSD, anxiety and any other medical issues associated with these conditions.  The blankets can provide a deeper, more sound sleep and relieve anxiety during the day or night.  The blankets are donated to the Veterans.
    Habitat for Humanity of Shelby Countyhttp://Habitatshelbyky.orgSeeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.

    We serve Shelby County families and individuals have a decent place to live.
  • Organizations Nominated for April 2021

    Congratulations to Father’s Love for receiving the most votes in our April 2021 meeting!

    Father’s Love
    Tyson’s Chance
    Operation Care Kentucky
    KIDS in the USA, Inc.
    Avery Farmer scholarship
    Awake Ministries 
    Centro Latino
    A Fathers Love
    Bagdad Baptist Church Hope Center
    Shelby County Parks Foundation
    ALC Pregnancy Resource Center
    Shelby County Parks Foundation